
     My little one decided that four a.m. was the most reasonable hour to wake his parents this morning. After much coercion and rocking back and forth on my end, the stinker finally gave in to a few more hours of sweet slumber. As a new mom, one of my favorite moments are the quiet ones. The moments I can lie and stare at my sleeping baby and watch his chest rise and fall. The moments I catch a sweet smile on his lips while he is dreaming of something happy. My grandmother once said that when a baby smiles in their sleep that means they are playing with angels! Well, if you’ve ever caught a baby giving you a sleepy grin then you know this must be the only explanation.


      For me, one of the best moments of the day are in the mornings. While the rest of the world sleeps, I lie awake and watch the sun slowly creep into my home and cast an orangish glow onto the walls. I hear the birds in the large cedar tree outside my window singing the loveliest melody because they are happy and thankful. They sing praises to the One who created it all. 


    Before I ever set foot out of bed, I am overwhelmed by the blessings in my life. I get to wake up and do this everyday! I get to  experience another twenty-four hours full of Gods love and mercy. Another day to be called Mommy! There will be a day in the future that I won’t be able to lie here and watch my baby sleeping peacefully. He will be in his own bed and I will be missing him in mine. But, for now, I will just stay here and be still and be thankful for these quiet moments. The moments I can just take it all in and appreciate this gift of motherhood.


     When I got pregnant with my son, I literally became nauseated at the thought of having to wear maternity clothes. I had never seen an appealing pair of denim jeans for pregnant women. In fact, the more I shopped, the more I came home disappointed. I realized that there isn’t a huge selection of clothes being offered for women who are carrying babies.  The things I did find were expensive and I wasn’t looking to spend a ton of money on something I wouldn’t wear but for a couple of months.

     I got lucky and my sister-in-law, whom had recently given birth to two boys, decided to gift me with her pre-owned maternity clothes. She came over and brought bags upon bags of clothes for me to wear. And if you’re like me, you never met a hand-me-down you didn’t like! One of the bags she brought was filled to the top with denim jeans which had a belly band attached to each. Although I was excited that she was kind enough to let me use these to get thru the remaining months of pregnancy, I wasn’t thrilled with the idea of saying goodbye to my skinny jeans! I had always been a smaller person and my expanding belly was totally new to me. I have to admit. Those maternity jeans may have not been the most stylish apparel I’d ever owned but they were the most comfy! 


    Right now my son is eleven months old and it’s been over a year since those old designer jeans have seen the light of day. They are still tucked neatly in the same drawer awaiting the next time I decide to wear them. But until then I will rock my mom jeans proudly! Every time I slip them on I am reminded of the reason I wear them. My stomach was once home to a precious miracle. My hips may never be the same shape and my middle may be more round but if sacrificing tight fitting pants for the beauty that new life brings I would happily do it all over again.  Ladies, Mom jeans are back! Wear them proudly and be fearless! No one can compare to your abilities as a Mother. Thirty years from now your child won’t look back and recall if you wore expensive jeans or ripped jeans. They will remember the mom who was confident in the woman she was! 
