Home is Where Mommy Is


Each Spring, I have a new mother bird move into the shabby little nest that decorates the top rafter of my porch. The nest is made of straw and other natural elements found by the first momma bird who resided there. Little did she know while preparing this delicate, cozy home for her babies that this nest would also serve as a shelter for future momma birds seeking refuge and a place to raise their wee ones.

Aren’t we similar to mother birds in a way? Our calling is to make our children’s well being one of our highest priorities. Collecting bits and pieces of our lives in order to create a safe haven built on warmth and love. Ensuring our children are being fed–physically & spiritually. Protecting our babies from the conditions of the world. Keeping them safe under our wings until they are ready to spread their own and soar to the highest of heights.

As a mother bird, we set the order of the universe into motion. We are equipping little minds to leave the nest and embark on this beautiful journey of life. Its incredibly amazing to watch a mother bird. They just know. They know what their purpose is and that they were called to fulfill it. Same as you and I. We were called to a higher duty of giving ourselves for the greater good of another being. Mother birds never worry how they will protect or provide for the life they were blessed with. Because they know that no matter what the Lord will provide all that’s necessary. Building the perfect nest takes straws of patience, strands of humility, and a warm bed of grace.  It takes a lot of determination and hard work but the end result is so worth it! Your children are always nested deep within the hollows of your heart. No matter where you make your nest, home is where mommy is!





30 Things To Be Grateful For


With the maddening rush of the holidays in full swing, it’s easy to become swept up in the frantic pace that this wonderful, but busy, season brings. If you find yourself blinded by the twinkling lights or forgetful of what this season is truly about, here is a list of thirty things to be grateful for:


  1. You are living and breathing.
  2. You have someone that loves you dearly.
  3. Mornings you can sleep as late as you want.
  4. Memories of past holidays.
  5. The clothes you are wearing.
  6. The warm food on your table.
  7. For lessons learned–the good and the bad.
  8. Your children.
  9. Your spouse or significant other.
  10. Books and the ability to be transported to other worlds through their pages.
  11. Your good health.
  12. The changing of leaves.
  13. A strangers kindness.
  14. Your parents.
  15. Your siblings.
  16. Modern conveniences.
  17. Traveling and experiencing new places and people.
  18. A cozy, comfy bed.
  19. Music and being able to relate to the lyrics.
  20. Great friendships.
  21. Clean water.
  22. Serendipity.
  23. Reaching a goal.
  24. The fresh new start each morning brings.
  25. Hot cocoa and a crackling fire.
  26. Old movies you love to watch again and again.
  27. A seasonal candle to set the tone in your home.
  28. Old photographs.
  29. The holiday cards that fill your mailbox this time of year.
  30. The peace of knowing Jesus Christ.


I would like to take a moment now to express to my readers how grateful I am for each and everyone of you. Thank you for allowing me into your homes and lives for just a few minutes a day. If I inspire or encourage just one of you, then it has all been worth it.


Happy Thanksgiving!

The Cheerful Mom


Learning To Be Thankful For The Journey




My husbands feet chase my son in the background, the television is blaring, and my house is a wreck. There are toys littering the floor, dirty clothes piled to the ceiling, and my son has been sick for six days now. I am thirty seconds away from losing my composure when a voice out of nowhere calls out to me saying, “Give thanks for it all!”

What?! You mean I’m supposed to be thankful for a never ending cycle of dirty dishes and sticky floors? I’m supposed to thank Him for the weeds in my yard and the fact that my son is sick the week of Thanksgiving? Just when I start to feel like there is nothing to give thanks for at this very moment, God reminds me that there is always, always something to be thankful for.

I have learned over the course of my life that being thankful is a choice you have to make. You must choose to wake up and be grateful for each thing your day will bring–the good and the bad. Savor the happy moments and cherish them. Embrace the bad ones and learn from them. Sometimes learning to be thankful takes patience and a whole lot of grace. But it is a humbling experience knowing that the very things we often take for granted are the same things most prayed for by someone else. Someone out there prays they could be in your shoes. Someone somewhere wishes they had the life that you are currently living.

Right now, at this very moment, there is a mother praying for one more day with her terminally ill child. My son has a cold and with a good round of antibiotics he will thankfully be well in a few days. There is a man out there with filthy clothes that is battling the cold, bitter wind. I am thankful for the mountain of laundry staring me in the face. There is a child out there who won’t receive a toy under a brightly lit tree this year. I am thankful for the many numerous toys I trip over. There are millions of people who will go to sleep hungry tonight, yet, I am thankful I am able to provide my family with a warm and filling meal.

I once read a quote that said, “What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?” Sadly, if this were the case many of us would wake with very little. I am grateful that the Lord allows us a new chance to get it right everyday. What a loving and gracious Creator we serve! The more we learn to be thankful and content with what we have, the more he blesses us with. It is right to give our thanks and praise! Today, I will count my blessings and enjoy this journey I am on!








What I Learned My First Year As Mommy



When I think back to that new mom sitting in a hospital bed with a million questions and emotions running through her mind, I can’t help but smile and realize how far we’ve come. Even though my son would spend the next two and a half weeks in the neonatal intensive care unit, I knew that I would soon have to find that magical balance of continuing life all while caring for and raising a tiny human. My first year as a mom was fairly easy. I’m not going to sit and brag but my son is a genuinely content and happy child. He doesn’t fuss much and has slept through the night since he was six weeks old. I learned many things in my first year as a mother. Things like: learning how to swaddle, using a nasal bulb, and how to clip a baby’s paper thin fingernails (after an awful experience of basically cutting the tip of my sons finger off!! Ugh!!) all went under my belt of new things I had to learn now that I was a mommy.

I learned that the good advice people gave me worked and didn’t work. Some of the same things that worked for other moms didn’t work quite the same for me. You have to find the best thing that suits you and your little one.

I learned that the ability of a woman’s body to create another life is utterly amazing. From the moment of conception, the months of caring for your baby, to the long awaited delivery each step is another chapter beautifully woven into your motherhood story.

I learned to love someone unselfishly and unconditionally. To put someone’s needs high above my own. To trust my instincts as a mother and fall madly in love with someone whom I had just met.

I learned to love my husband. I mean really love him. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve always known he was the one. But theres just something about seeing your guy as a father that makes you look at him in a different light. The moment my guy became a dad definitely ranks as one of my all time favorite moments in the history of ever!

I learned that Gods love for us is unimaginable!  I know how much I love my son. And I know that I can no longer fathom the idea of my life without him in it. So, I can’t begin to comprehend the depth of love our Father must have for us. I’m so lucky he entrusted this little life to me.

I learned that motherhood is downright hard! I like to think that God chooses his bravest warriors for this task. Being a mom is rewarding but it comes with a lot of work and patience. It’s not for the faint of heart. No one can mother your child like you. God made you a mother on purpose! Always remember that you are enough. You are the one your baby looks for in a crowd. The one who picks them up when they tumble. You were called to prepare  them for His kingdom work!

Several years down the road, I know I will look back on that girl in the hospital bed. I will look back on my first year as a mom and my heart will be warmed. I will continue to grow as a mother and raise my son the best way that only I know how. He will watch closely and learn from me. And I will learn from him.



A Letter To My Son On His First Birthday



Last Friday, my first born turned one. With all of the anticipation and planning that went into preparing for his big day, unfortunately I knew he wouldn’t be able to remember any of it. So, I wanted to sit down and write him a letter that shares bits of his mommas heart that years later he could look back and happily reflect on.



Dear Son,

I knew this day would soon arrive, however, I did not realize it would come and go this quickly. Ever since I found out there was a miracle being formed inside me, I began dreaming of you. I wondered what you would look like, sound like, and what you would enjoy. I pondered what your first words and  favorite foods might be. The last year with you has been just what your dad and I always imagined it would be. It has been a beautiful journey watching you grow from a four pound, precious preemie into a healthy and happy one year old that gets into everything within crawling distance.

You are very sociable and never meet a stranger! Your zest for life is inspiring and you take on each new thing as an adventure. I sit and watch as your big, blue eyes grow in wonder and amazement as you take the whole world in. You are content with playing with something as simple as a string and never fuss about much. At night, you sleep in between your Daddy and I and it warms my heart having the two people I hold dearest in the world so near. I listen to the rhythm of your breathing and am blown away by the incredible blessing that is YOU!

On your first birthday, the world erupted into chaos. A bombing took place in Paris by a group that wanted to kill as many people as humanly possible. As you continue to grow in life, you will learn that the world isn’t the amazing place you think it is right now. It is full of anger and hate and much bitterness. But, child, please know that even when the world around you seems as if it’s falling apart, love conquers all. You can rest assured knowing that even when the whole Earth is in an uproar that your Mom and Dad will do everything in their power to keep you safe and shield you from all of the evil that’s out there. You were prayed for before you were born and will always be covered in prayers. You are a child of the most high God!

As we embark towards the second year of your life, I look back on all of the sweet memories that the first year holds. That first year with you, will be locked away in my heart forever. You have taught me so much in such a small amount of time. God certainly has a grand plan for your life and I am so thrilled knowing that I get to help your story unfold. You have touched many lives already. So, son, please remember that when things are good, praise God! And when things are bad, praise God! He has a reason for everything and his timing is always mysterious and perfect!

You are special. You are loved. You are one of a kind. You are mine!

Happy 1st Birthday, Kid! I love you!







        Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, ect..) has taken the world by storm over the last decade. Our newsfeeds are filled with cute cat photos, celebrity breakups, political debates, and sarcastic E-cards. Your public profile gives the world a glimpse into your life. Through out the day or week, you share details and pictures with your friends. You read news articles, “like” blog posts, and poke people for fun. Yet, the constant need to portray a seemingly perfect life or capture the perfect photo to post can leave you feeling drainedIf you become overwhelmed by what you read on a daily basis, let the Lord pour his love out on you! Let Christ fill your heart so you can turn around and use social media for His glory.


     The world likes you to believe that social media is a complete waste of time. But that is completely false. By choosing to share encouragement,  you not only have the ability to change someones perspective on life but also the opportunity to be a witness of God to others. Even the pictures you share can bring a small amount of sunshine to a persons day! Share uplifting articles with meaningful messages. Build others up by sharing kindness and posts with a purpose. You never know who may need that in their life at the moment. Make a point to fill your feed with speakers that share positivity and light. That way you can share good things with others. And remember to always take a break from social media to let your mind and heart refocus so you are more inspired to share the word of God with others. Lets choose to make a difference in the world by starting where we’re at.image


         Many young couples are curious what the secret to a long and happy relationship is. In the last few years, the sanctity of marriage has come under attack and scrutiny by those that no longer believe in the principles that the Bible laid out for us many years ago. There is a spiritual battle being waged against families and the rate of divorce and broken homes have increased tremendously. The truth of the matter is that there isn’t some magical secret that couples married for fifty plus years only hold the key too. The answer to a long and successful union between a husband and wife begins with bowed heads and a servants heart. 

        My husband and I are far from perfect. We both have flaws and are aware of each other’s imperfections. We have had our fair share of highs and lows but remain determined to stand together in a world that is continually threatening faith and marriages. Several years ago, we began praying with each other in the mornings. No matter how busy our day may become we always make it a priority to lift our praise to the Lord together. Normally, my husband will lead the prayer. He begins by thanking the Lord for all of our blessings and then asks the Lord to supply all of our needs. He ends it by covering our marriage and other areas in prayer.  We have been continually blessed in our marriage and we feel as if the Lord has heard and answered many of our prayers!

        Prayer is a powerful tool and is essential to any healthy relationship. Not only does it bring you more close to God but it brings you closer together as a couple too! By making it a prime focus, you can turn your marriage into a testimony of your faith. Soon, people will be curious what your secret to a blissful marriage is! And you can simply tell them that, “A couple that prays together, Stays together!”



      Technology is addictive. If you’re like me, you are guilty of checking your social media accounts multiple times a day. It’s a hard habit to break. You feel the strong need to check your personal feed while you are drinking your morning coffee, waiting in line, working out at the gym, eating lunch with your friends, or lying in bed. Your phone has become an extension of you. You use it to capture moments you want to remember, as an alarm clock, and to check the weather. Our phones have a sick power over us. We become mesmerized by having this source of connection at just the swipe of a finger. But what if we were compelled to put our phones down? 

       Take a look around you in a restaurant and count the number of people on their personal devices. The number will quickly astound you. The idea of being able to connect to the Internet has become so popular that many businesses offer free wi-fi and ports that charge your gadgets right there next to you. What happened to sitting down to a meal and holding casual conversation with the person seated across from you? 


     What if we decided to be a part of the experience and take it all in, instead of trying to capture the perfect shot to share on our wall? To enjoy that much needed vacation instead of taking pictures of our feet strategically placed in the sand? To savor our food intensely instead of posting a picture of our expensive meal? To be more engaged in conversation instead of only giving half of our attention? 

     Just like our phones, sometimes we need to let our battery recharge. We need to unplug and let our minds rest from the amount of information we take in on a daily basis. We need to be reminded that outside of our screens there are moments waiting to be lived. It’s time to invest in what’s real! Let’s stop allowing our phones to dictate our relationships, drain our energy, and control our lives. Make a conscious effort to be fully present wherever you are! You will quickly feel a sense of freedom you have long forgotten.



    The giving season is upon us! During the next few weeks, we will be sucked in to the whirlwind of the holidays. For many, Thanksgiving is completely skipped over and Christmas has taken its place. I urge you this season to slow down and remember why it is that we gather and celebrate in the first place. Take an opportunity this season to be a blessing to others and feel the joy that comes from giving from your heart. 

Here are twenty ways that you can be a blessing to others this season: 

  1. Bake a pumpkin pie & deliver to someone letting them know how you are thankful for them!
  2. Go caroling to the shut-ins!
  3. Invite someone who doesn’t have family to join yours for Thanksgiving dinner!
  4. Write a list of reasons you are thankful for your spouse! 
  5. Hold the door open for someone whose arms are full of packages.
  6. Pay for the persons coffee behind you! They will be thankful for that yummy pumpkin spice latte. 
  7. Remember those that are away from their families serving our country! Send a care package, write a letter, say a prayer, ect..
  8. Buy someone a cold drink! Leave some change in the vending machine.
  9. Make cards for those in the nursing homes. You don’t know how much this will brighten their day!
  10. Leave chalk messages on the sidewalk that says “I’m grateful for you!” Or “Gobble til you wobble!”
  11. Lend a helping hand at your local soup kitchen. 
  12. Donate extra blankets to your furry friends at the shelter! 
  13. Leave a poinsettia on your neighbors porch!
  14. Round up three toys your children no longer play with and give to a child in need.
  15. Ring a bell! Be a local bell ringer for The Salvation Army. You get to greet people with a smile and make a difference at the same time! 
  16. Partner with your church to put together shoe boxes filled with blessings for those in need.
  17. Read the Christmas story to those who will spend the holidays in the hospital.
  18. Help someone take their groceries to their car!
  19. Leave a generous tip on your receipt for your waitress with a note that says “Happy Holidays!”
  20. Leave a note on a random car that says, “Have a blessed day!”

Now that you have a few good ideas to get started– go be a blessing to someone today!



**November is Preemie Awareness Month! In honor of premature babies and their mothers, here is a letter I would like to share for NICU moms that are currently facing the battle.**

     Dear NICU Mom, 

          Welcome to the club you never planned on having membership too! That’s right..no one ever expects to become a part of this exclusive society. Each baby has a different story to tell on how they gained V.I.P access to the undivided attention they receive behind the locked doors of this club. 

       You may have been like me and had a extremely healthy pregnancy. You took special care of yourself and the life growing inside you. You did everything just like your doctor recommended. You even carried your baby to full term. But then something suddenly goes wrong and your little one is whisked away before you get a chance to welcome them into the world. 

       Ever since you found out you were expecting, you pictured holding your baby and looking into their eyes. You imagined how you would feel when that precious life was placed in your arms. But then without warning, those first moments you anticipated for so long are stolen. The thought never crossed your mind that you wouldn’t be bringing your baby home as soon as you would like. Instead of being close to your newborn and feeling their tiny fingers interlock yours, you spend the first days, weeks, or months of their existence peering at them inside a clear box. You spend hours watching their heart rate on the moniter. Countless calls to the nurses, hundreds of hand washes, numerous tears, and incalculable prayers are the only thing you’ve come to know. So many questions yet the one that weighs on you the most is, “Why?” What could I have done differently? Is there something that I did to cause this? The guilt you can carry can be overwhelming. But you are not alone!

     You have a whole network of mothers who are behind you and have been in your shoes. They know the uncertainty you are facing and how what was supposed to be one of the most beautiful experiences of your life has been stained with tears and worry. You have been forced to find strength that you never knew you were capable of possessing. Some of us have been there before and some of us are still there.  We share a bond that many won’t understand because it is a journey they have not personally taken.  The days are long and it may seem as if this trial will never end. But you and your baby will conquer this. It may not be today, tommorow, or even next week. But from a mother who has been right where you are, hold on! When things look dark, look up! God hears our prayers and He still performs miracles today. And they often come in the form of tiny babies who are born early yet right on time! 


A Fellow NICU Mother